Soil Test:
1. Compression test
2. Core Cutter Method
3. Permeability Test
4. Sand Replacement Method
5. Standard Penetration Test
6. Standard Proctor Test
7. Triaxial Shear test
Aggregate Test:
1. Abrasion test
2. Crushing test
3. Impact test
4. Soundness test
5. Specific gravity and water absorption test
Cement Test:
1. Consistency Test
2. Fineness Test
3. Setting Time Test
4. Soundness Test
5. Specific gravity Test
6. Strength Test
Bitumen Test:
1. Penetration Test
2. Ductility Test
3. Softening point Test
4. Specific Gravity Test
5. Viscosity Test
6. Flash and Float Test
Concrete Test:
Workability Test:
Measurement of workability
1. Slump Test (For medium - High Workability )
2. Compaction Factor Test (Very low Work ability)
3. Vee- Bee Test (Low - medium)
4. Flow Table Test (Very High Workability)
Destructive Test:
a. Compressive Strength Test
b. Tensile strength Test
Non Destructive Test:
c. Rebound hammer test
d. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
Steel bar Test:
1. Bending test
2. Brinell hardness test
3. Compression test
4. Impact test
5. Rockwell hardness test
6. Tensile test
7. Torsion test
Tests on Bricks:
1. Crushing Strength Test
2. Hardness Test
3. Presence of Soluble salts or Efflorescence Test
4. Shape and Size Test
5. Soundness Test
6. Structure Test
7. Water Absorption Test
8. Colour Test
9. Impact Test
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