Book is the most powerful tool invented by humankind because it is a tool of the mind. It is a set of printed sheets of paper held together between two covers. It is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images. It contains information, stories or poetry, etc.

Books are used for many reasons:

Entertainment, religious purposes, studying, and more! Books are incredible, and they have taught us so much. It is useful to developing our knowledge and understands about the new subject matter.

Types of books:

·         Action and Adventure

·         Anthologies

·         Art

·         Autobiographies

·         Biographies

·         Children's

·         Comics

·         Cookbooks

·         Diaries

·         Dictionaries

·         Drama

·         Encyclopedia

·         Fantasy

·         Guide

·         History

·         Horror

·         Math

·         Mystery

·         Poetry

·         Prayer books

·         Religious

·         Romance

·         Satire

·         Science Fiction

·         Science

·         Self help

·         Series

·         Travel

·         Trilogies


Google provide world's most comprehensive index of full-text books. My library to read for users from this link:

Now a day E-BOOKS available from many sites in the format of pdf, word, documents, etc.
For example Tamil poetry books:

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