Earth work in construction

Earthwork in construction




1.Earth work




What is earthwork?

Earth work is an engineering task that involves excavating, transporting, compacting, leveling, dozing the earth surface. The purpose of earth work is to be used for civil engineering works such as building construction, road construction, dam construction, etc.

Excavation methods:

There are various methods following to excavation depending on the soil condition and layout drawing. Central line methods are following in several places for excavating new construction work.

Types of excavation:

·        Top soil excavation

Topsoil is the upper, outermost layer of earth surface, usually the top layer soil thickness 5–10 inches (13–25 cm). It content organic matter.

·        Earth excavation

After removing top layer soil, the below layer of the top soil is excavated by excavating equipment.

·        Rock excavation

The hard Rock data of the soil is excavated by the rock drilling machine, hydraulic drilling machine and air pressure drilling machine, etc.

·        Muck excavation

It contains excess water and unsuitable soil which that dewatering by using turbine.

·        Unclassified excavation

            This contains any combination of material are mingle.

·        Stripping

This type of continuous strip soil excavation purpose used to be the subsoil having good bearing capacity.

·        Roadway excavation

For traveling purpose between two places the soil is excavating for paving the road construction.

·        Drainage or structure excavation

For the purpose of artificial removal of the surface water and sub-surface water from an area with excess of water.

·        Bridge excavation To construct bridges at the place of valley and water bodies.

·        Channel excavation To removing earth materials for trenching, wall shaft, tunneling purpose.

·        Footing excavation

            For constructing buildings, arches, etc.

·        Borrow excavation

This excavation taken place borrowing earth materials one place to another place. It may be used for grading, filling, mixing with construction materials.

·        Dredge excavation

This type of excavation is used for removing take places under water in rivers or shallow ocean passages.

·        Underground excavation

This type of excavation is done for removing underground earth materials for the purposes of tunneling, roads, mining, etc.

Excavating equipment:

·        Back hoe excavator

·        Drag line

·        Clam shell

·        Trenching machines

·        Power shovel

·        Bull dozer

·        Dredgers

·        Scrapers

·        Angle Dozers

Hand tools for excavation:

1.     Spade,

2.     Shovel

3.     Hoe,

4.     Pick Axe,

5.     Crow Bar,

6.     Rammer,

7.     Wedge,

8.     Boning Rod,

9.     Sledge Hammer,

10.                        Basket,

11.                        Iron Pan,

12.                        Line and Pins,

13.                        Trowel,

14.                        Mattock

15.                        Rack,


Contour trenching

Cut and fill

Earth movers

Earth structure


Keyline design

Land restoration


Spoil tip

Terrace (agriculture)


There is much software used to find out the volume of earth work calculation.

Generally CAD is used to find the cutting and filling volume of earth work.

·        12D

·        Cut+Fill

·        n4ce

·        AEC CutFill        

·        Terra Alpha

·        Civil 3D

·        Carlson Takeoff

·        Earthwork 4D

·        Business Centre HCE

·        InSite SiteWork

·        LisCAD, etc.